Tai Sai Seminar
Aikido of Arlington
seminar photos, videos

Virginia Tai Sai

We are proud to once again host Patricia Hendricks shihan (7th dan) and invite you to train with us at the annual Virginia Tai Sai seminar. Hendricks sensei has trained extensively with Saito Morihiro shihan and holds a menkyo kaiden certificate in Iwama-ryu weapons. We are honored to have her share her knowledge, energy, and friendship.
Training Schedule
(bring weapons both days)Saturday 10 AM-12:30 PM & 3:00-5:30 PM (Dan Testing @ 12:30)
Sunday 9 AM-1:30 PM
Northern Virginia Ki - Aikido
2929-E Eskridge Road
For detailed directions, see Northern Virginia Ki-Aikido.