Aikido of Arlington
Buki waza
Weapons training (buki waza) is an important part of Iwama-ryu aikido. Suburi is solo practice of basic weapons strikes. Always aim for a target when doing suburi. For strength training, a suburito, a ken that is heavier than a bokken with a flat edge as the “blade” may be used to strike against a tanren uchi, typically a tire set upright in a wooden stand. The suburito is held like an aiki-ken but with the hands butting against each other instead of with a hands distance apart. This is to strengthen the hips and prevent back injuries. A tanren bo, a bat measuring 0.91 meters that is even heavier than a suburito, may also be used. There are 7 aiki-ken suburi and 20 aiki-jo suburi.
Partner practice helps students with timing and fluidity. Students begin training with stop-start and ample distance from each other. As students advance, they will close the distance and progress in fluidity through: awase, kiai, and riai. There are partner practices for both the ken and jo, including: kumitachi, kumijo, ken awase, 13 jo kata, and 31 jo kata.
Seasonal Weapons in Glencarlyn Park is held on the second Sunday of the month, weather permitting.
Aiki-Ken Suburi 合氣剣素振り
- 一の剣素振り ichi-no ken suburi
- 二の剣素振り ni-no ken suburi
- 三の剣素振り san-no ken suburi
- 四の剣素振り yon-no ken suburi
- 五の剣素振り go-no ken suburi
- 六の剣素振り roku-no ken suburi
- 七の剣素振り shichi-no-ken suburi
Aiki-Ken Awase 合氣剣合わせ
(七合わせ 7 awase)
- 左右合わせ migi-hidari awase
- 五の合わせ go-no awase
- 七の合わせ shichi-no awase
Kumitachi 組太刀
- 一の太刀 ichi-no-tachi
- 二の太刀 ni-no-tachi
- 三の太刀 san-no-tachi
- 四の太刀 yon-no-tachi
- 五の太刀 go-no-tachi
- 気結びの太刀 kimusubi-no-tachi
(tying energy with sword)
31 jo kata board Morihiro Saito Sensei worked on systematizing the 31 jo kata. Uchi has two variations for 4-6 and 13-17. The kata remains the same as O’Sensei created it. |
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Aiki-Jo Suburi 合氣杖素振り
tsuki 突き (thrust)
- 直突き choku tsuki (straight thrust)
- 返し突き kaeshi tsuki (counter thrust)
- 後ろ突き ushiro tsuki (rear thrust)
- 突き下段返し tsuki gedan gaeshi (thrust, low counter)
- 突き上段返し打ち tsuki jodan gaeshi uchi (thrust, high counter strike)
uchi komi 打ち込み (strike)
- 正面打ち込み shomen uchi komi (front head strike)
- 連続打ち込み renzoku uchi komi (countinuous strike)
- 面打ち下段返し menuchi gedan gaeshi (head strike, low counter)
- 面打後ろ突き menuchi ushiro tsuki (head strike, rear thrust)
- 逆横面後ろ突き gyaku yokomen ushiro tsuki (reverse side head strike, rear thrust)
katate 片手 (one-handed)
- 片手遠間打ち katate toma uchi (one-handed distance strike)
- 片手下段返し katate gedan gaeshi (one-handed low counter)
- 片手八の字返し katate hachi no ji gaeshi (one-handed figure-eight counter)
hasso gaeshi 八相返 (figure-eight)
- 八相返し打ち hasso gaeshi uchi (figure-eight counter strike)
- 八相返し突き hasso gaeshi tsuki (figure-eight counter thrust)
- 八相返し後ろ突き hasso gaeshi ushiro tsuki (figure-eight rear thrust)
- 八相返し後ろ打ち hasso gaeshi ushiro uchi (figure-eight rear strike)
- 八相返し後ろ払い hasso gaeshi ushiro barai (figure-eight rear sweep)
nagare gaeshi 流れ返し (flowing)
- 左流れ返し打ち hidari nagare gaeshi uchi (left flowing counter strike)
- 右流れ返し突き migi nagare gaeshi tsuki (right flowing counter thrust)